Mar 14, 2019
I finished the fourth of a series of four butterflies painted on 30" x 30" square canvasses. I've used some metallic bronze paint for the...

Mar 9, 2019
I completed another piece I had started a while ago and set aside. I've made only a few adjustments, strengthening shadows and the like....

Feb 21, 2019
Workshop & New Work
I went to a great two day workshop recently, exploring landscape painting, using limited palettes, scraper tools, and other fun things. ...
Nov 15, 2018
Work in Progress
I've got at least one, usually a few, pieces on the go at a time, because there are times I get stuck - unsure where to take a piece -...

Nov 4, 2018
Piece of the Week - Among the Irises
Among the Irises, Acrylic on Canvas. 24" x 30", 2018. This is one I started a while ago, put down, and came back to. It's been a...

Oct 28, 2018
Piece of the Week - Big Red
"Big Red" is not actually the title I decided on for this piece! It's title is "The View From Here". Acrylic on Canvas, 24" x 24", 2018....

Oct 21, 2018
Piece of the Week: Poppies #2
You can go back to read more about the first of these two paintings, called At Peace, At Last. The second is, as you see here, quite...

May 11, 2018
Had a very busy April, now I hope to get back to making things, and posting. Last week I went to an artists' talk about Japanese paper. ...

Apr 16, 2018
Piece of the Week - Cathedral Grove
This is another holiday photo turned painting. On a visit to BC, I went to Cathedral Grove, on Vancouver Island. I took a lot of...

Mar 5, 2018
Piece of the Week - Marigold (Abstract)
This is one of my favourites at the moment - partly, it's orange. Partly, it's painted on a deep square canvas. The piece is inspired...